
Call Us 877 779-7796

How It Works

This entire process is designed to be Fast, Fair and Hassle Free.  

You contact our team by filling out our short form or call us and answer a few questions about your property.  Then we'll do some research, crunch some numbers and put together an offer to present to you.   Next, we'll get back on the phone and discuss the offer.   **No pressure at all.                                                                                                                                                                                          If it all seems to work for you, and you want to move forward, then we fill out some simple paperwork and start the Title work to make sure there aren't any Title issues that need to be dealt with that we all weren't aware of. ( sometimes surprises happen )                       Once the Title work is taken care of, we can schedule the Closing date so that you get your money and we take the headache off your hands.

It really is that fast and simple.

There's No going through all the trouble of hiring an agent and listing your property, waiting for months to finally sell and then getting money pulled out from the sale at the last minute at the closing table to make concessions to the picky buyer who's putting the squeeze on you, and then...more money taken away to pay agent fees and closing costs and in the end...being left with less money in your pocket than the property is worth...

...Not to mention all the money wasted and time and effort you had to put in to make repairs and deal with aggravating unreliable contractors. We've all heard the crazy stories with dealing with contractors....who needs that headache?  The one thing you'll never get back is all that wasted time.

FORGET ALL THAT! Just call us and get your cash with little to no wait and zero headache.                                                                        **When we talk numbers, we're talking about the actual cash you will put in your pocket, so you'll know exactly how much you'll be walking away with.

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We are seasoned  real estate investors who specialize in purchasing off-market properties nation wide.

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